Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy Belated B-Day Daffy!!

Apparently it was Daffy's B-Day yesterday since I was reading J.E. Daniel's Blog

Check it out he has some cool things there. Here is something John K drew for me at Comic-Con 06'. Hope you eat your heart out John! Once again Happy 70th Birthday Daffy!

I am having trouble trying to post the picture and will try at another time. Sorry!


Kali Fontecchio said...

Hi Tom! I'm guessing if you're getting the blank bar it's blogger's fault. But nonetheless- you can redirect from photobucket by starting an account with them, and uploading your pictures on their site and pasting the url link in your html box for a post. You can goto webmonkey for the html for posting link and such. Hope that helps!

Tom said...

Thanks Kali for the fresh insight and will do as you command.